Monday 5 December 2011

Such a big boy, changes and Christmas.

I know I write this a lot but Ryan is changing so fast and growing up too quick!

He can sort of walk if you hold his hands. He needs the help balancing but he takes the steps himself and holds his own weight (about 90% of it).
See the video below.
Neil found this out Sunday morning when I was at Zumba Tone. I am a little sad I missed the first time but Neil was so happy to be here for this milestone. And I was very happy he was the one that discovered it.

Tonight Ryan feed himself some pasta I made. He got it in his mouth not just smooshed it around like he did with the bananas in Florida.


When I hide a toy behind me or something I don't want him to get he knows it's there. Little monkey. I put him on the floor while I cook or do dishes and he always comes into the kitchen to get me or one of the cats. He also likes to go toward the edges of walls and our new shoe stand that has pointy ends, perfect for a seven month old eye ball.
I pick him up, move him to the safe zone (aka away from bad things on his foam mat) hand him a toy and go back to what I was doing. Then he tosses the toy and comes after me again.

I can not eat anywhere near him unless he is eating as well or he just sits there with his mouth open. Most of the time if I am on the floor with him trying to eat a snack or lunch he will attack me trying to get my food. I'll give him a little of what I am eating if I can.
He loves big people food. Gabi says Neil did this when he was little too.

Today I made Banana Bread muffins and was trying to enjoy one. Well Ryan wanted to enjoy as well. I tried what Neil does which is letting him taste with his tongue but not letting him eat it. I put the muffin in Ryans mouth on his tongue and then took it out. Well on the second time of doing this the little monkey tried to bite down and turn his head so he could eat some! I stopped him though.
It has sugar and chocolate in it and I want to avoid him having that till his first birthday.

After lunch the other day... I call this look "sleeping with his eyes open."


Its pretty cold out and we need hats in Canada in December!

Saturday afternoon Cookie Decorating (Christina holding both kids!).
Ary was tickling him and he was trying to pull her hair.

Saturday early evening we went over to the Parks house and it was funny as hell watching Chloe and Ryan play. He hasn't really played with any kids close to his age since he has become so aware. He had a great time! They were sitting there yelling at each other and both talking. She would grab his hand and he would touch her face or hair. I saw him rub her back. He would try to crawl on her as well. It was super cute. I wish I got a video of it. We will have to go over there again soon for a play date.

We also dumped him on Joe which was funny.


Enjoy some of the many faces Ryan makes now. You can really see his personalty coming out.

 Concentration, he will stick his tongue out like Neil does, its pretty cute.



This kid is super stubborn. I wonder where he gets it... NEIL.

Yah that's right it's all Neils fault. :)

Neil and I got some awesome stuff for Ryan for Christmas tonight at Toys R Us. It was so much fun to look around at all the cool stuff. It was hard to pick but Neil picked something and I picked something. I hope Ryan likes them. Neil was getting all excited about the "little people" world toys and how he had it as a kid and wanted to get it for Ryan (1+) so its too early for Ryan. And I am excited about Lincoln Logs for Ry. 
Neil and I went to the bigger kids toys, 3+ and were getting super jazzed about how much fun it will be when he is bigger and can really play. I told Neil to not get ahead of himself and to enjoy Ryan now while he little.
Before we know it he will be off to collage and married and having kids of his own. Neil and I will look at each other and wonder where did all the time go and who replaced our baby with a man.

Now I made myself sad.
I'm gonna go hug my sleeping baby now.
night night.

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