Monday 25 April 2011

Six hours.. say WHAT?!

Last night the kid went on an eating spree again. Around 12:30am we got out the formula to top off. (after him eating for almost 3 hours on my boobs) He ate a FULL 40ml which is a lot and then had a chaser of mom boob for 8 min and passed out. He slept for 2 1/2 hours and I woke him to change a diaper. Had a little boob and then passed out for 3 1/2 hours. SO NICE. He woke up around 7am with Neil and I. (he is napping right now, spent a lot of time eating this morning poor guy.)

It was perfect because today is Neils first day back to work. Well not really first day cause he went in last week for a few hours, but first full day. I was pretty happy we were able to get some real sleep. Well that Neil was able to get some real sleep.
Granted his co-workers have kids but I think they might get annoyed if he took at nap at his desk. :P

Yet another milestone reached!

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